Friday, June 30, 2006

Do you want a degree?

Well, let me think about that... No, I don't think I want another degree; I think I am perfectly content with the degree I have. What irks me is this:
"Anonymous" has posted the following on my site:
Anonymous said...
Hey! Very Nice! Check out this website I found where you can make extra cash.It's not available everywhere, so go to the site and see if you can find something. I found something and makeand extra $900 a month!
2:13 AM, June 30, 2006

All very well, one might say, if one is excited by the prospect of a degree obtained online. Now, I *may* be wrong, but I am guessing this is perhaps an automated post, or at least a post put up by an anonymous person who is pretty much like an automaton. I may also be wrong in assuming that the degrees they purport to distribute by programs online are dodgy.
Question: did they *really* think that, if I had published a post about establishing a worm farm, that I would then go "oh, well, if they start the comment with 'Hey! Very Nice!' [please note the excessive use of upper case], I would then go 'Sure, I'll click on this link' without knowing anything about it oh, and caring even less!
Not only that; put your damn name on the comment.
Apparently they did.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

The cheque is in the building

Planet Properties has sent the cheque. Now we see whether it will bounce... Watch this space.
Also, is it me, or is the fact that the cheque is dated 10th June, the letter is dated the 17th June, and it arrived today, weird?
Not only this, but the cheque is for $137.50, which is $50 less than the amount they withdrew from our bond... amounting to the quote they gave us for cleaning the blinds at the property which were "a little dusty" (according to them). They have still failed to provide us with the receipt for cleaning the blinds.
Not that any one of you will be surprised by this.
Apart from the cheque actually arriving - that is surprising.

I may have to put a photo of the cheque and the letter here later.

Monday, June 26, 2006


My Ickle Sis does some cool things as part of her now-almost-finished PhD. She also, due to hanging out with some strange biology/ chemistry types with beards, also comes across some rather excellent things.
This week's excellent thing is discovering a whole new type of pet: triops. Check out the freaky things in the picture to the left!
Apparently these things are way cooler than Sea Monkeys (you remember, you get them in a packet, just add water). Triops hang upside down when they feed. I am hooked - Ickle Sis is maybe buying some for her boyf, Ian, as a present. I am thinking Ed needs some as a way of weaning him off the worms.
Talking of which, check out He sells triops! And hermit crabs, and all sorts of weird thingies! And people buy this stuff too! You can get kits to grow sea monkeys [sea monkeys on Mars???] and triops in your own home (if you're brave enough to tackle sea monsters in your own house, and some of the oldest living prehistoric creatures. Oh, the species is the oldest, not the actual ones you will have - they will live between 20 and 90 days apparently, although they can also double in size every day, which is kind of scary.... what if they didn't stop?! :-O).
Oh, wait! Did I mention they have 3 eyes?! They are sooo cool!


We went to an amazing series of seminars run by our local council (City of Port Phillip) a while ago, and one of the free gifts was either a) a bokashi bucket, b) a compost bin or c) a worm farm (oh my god, there is are global worm farming consultants). Now, faced with those choices, who wouldn't choose the small wriggly things?
Ed has gone slightly strange about the whole thing, though. He couldn't take it home the first night (as he had, in a very green and sustainable living sort of a way, walked to the seminar), so he had to get Micki to worm-sit the worms. When he went to pick them up, he brought them home and set them in the garden. A couple of weeks later, when I had returned from the UK, he started muttering about them every day, about how maybe did I think they might be a bit cold? I, somewhat understandably, had not a clue, so patted him kindly on the head and sent him off to get some more chocolate (for me, not the worms). Anyway, a couple of days later, turns out the worms have a blanket...
Ed had gone all the way to the charity shop to buy the worms a blanket!
Now he has gone one step further, and the worms are inside in the kitchen under the blanket! I think they'll be warm enough now...
So all we need to worry about now is them getting too hot, or feeding them too much, or overloading them with citrux fruit (god, don't you just hate too many mandarins?), or, heaven forfend, losing them somehow... like this girl did: (thanks to my Ickle Sis for that link).

Fingers crossed we don't come home one to day to find all our little squiggly preciouses have flown the nest!
(PS. is anyone else slightly weirded out by the fact my boyfriend is so worried about the worms he bought them a blanket and brought them inside???)