Friday, November 03, 2006

I did a bad, bad thing

Today I went shopping at lunchtime with Cathy and Sam so that Cathy could buy a fascinator from Hannii (horrible website, divine clothes) to wear with her gorgeous pink oriental/ prom style frock from Ink to Derby Day on Saturday.
She came away with the fascinator and a rather lovely short jacket to wear with the dress (incredibly the same fabric, yet a completely different shop!).
I came away from the trip with not one dress, but two (these girls are almost as much of a bad influence as Lara):
One from Alannah Hill called He Drives Me Crazy, and one from the nicolangela range in a fabulous teal....
Alas for my bank account, though. Ed is going to have kittens when he sees the cc this month!


Blogger From the lion's mouth said...

I love Alannah Hill. Well, some of it.

4:49 pm, November 03, 2006  
Blogger Princess Eleri said...

Yeah - some of her stuff is beautiful, and then some of it is all frills and furbelows and mixed patterns and colours and then she sticks it all together and you look like a fruit salad - awful! My dress is all Renee Zellweger in Chicago, though, with charcoal base, and old lace - classic. Also, it's called "He drives me crazy", which is a cool name for a dress :-D

10:55 am, November 08, 2006  
Blogger Ed Stephens said...

ed is going to check the cc when he gets home ;-)

11:44 am, November 29, 2006  

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